
Let’s stride together

Gender equality is a necessity for society. Prior to April 15, 2014, our society was home to only two genders namely male and female. The Apex Court while deciding Writ Petition (Civil) Nos. 400 of 2012 and 604 of 2013 National Legal Services Authority Vs. Union of India & Ors. on 15.04.2014 widened the scope of the term gender which now includes transgender also. Gone are those days when discussion erupted about gender equality with respect to males and females only. As per the Census of 2011, the total Population of transgender persons was 4,87, 803. The concept behind gender equality is the enjoyment of the same privileges and access to education, health, occupation, and political aspect. Though it is said that all three genders have been given equal status, women and transgender people still have limited access to a number of rights. There is disparity not only against women and transgenders but in the recent past, there has been misuse of laws by women resulting in violence against men. There are different methods to measure Gender equality:-

  • Gender Development Index (GDI)
  • Gender Equity Index (GEI)
  • Global Gender Gap Index

The only means to achieve gender equality is to eradicate all forms of discrimination and barriers that prevent any gender from being equal with each other and realising their rights.

Someone has rightly said, Rights and duties go hand in hand. In recent years a separate Act was enacted as The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights ) Act, 2019. This act also talks about the prohibition against discrimination against Transgender. It also states that Obligation of educational institutions to provide inclusive education to transgender persons and Healthcare facilities.

Health and education are two key areas which need measured improvement if we are thinking about empowering and strengthening the gender equality percentage.




Patna High Court

Posted on - 2022-07-23 07:57:38

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